It occurred to me that one reason we become human is to experience diverse situations, issues, relationships, cultures, thought patters, etc. The problems lie in what we hold onto and the issues and situations that become our embedded stories.
There is nothing wrong with remembering an experience even a painful one as long as we don’t incorporate the pain and suffering into our psyche.
As I walked, the thoughts became a walking meditation. It’s a delightful process, one that I recommend enjoying often. Once you get the hang of it, let your imagination soar. There is no limit to what you can join with, feel a part of, sense, and imagine being. It’s all a part of our human experience.
This is the meditation: as you walk (or sit) be aware of your body and what it’s touching. Become aware of your breathing. As you start to concentrate on your breathing and the air, be the air that you are taking into your lungs through your nose and say to yourself, “I am the air.” Feel the air filling your lungs and becoming part of your body and your blood. Hold that thought and fully experience the air and the scent that it carries. Then release it.
Feel the wind on your skin, hold the thought to fully experience being the wind and release it. Imagine being the path you’re walking on experience being the path and release it. If a leaf falls, be the leaf disconnecting from the tree and be the falling leaf. Watch it float and settle on the ground and imagine what it feels like and release it.

As I walked I felt an itch. I became the itch fully, went into and experienced the itch all without touching the itchy place. When I was ready to release it the itch dissolved. It had been experienced and release. I could have held onto the thought of being itchy and possibly escalated it into a rash that I could show everyone how much discomfort I was having keeping the experience. Or I could go into it fully and release it.
Make no judgment of something being good or bad. Be it. Experience it. Have no concern of nice or ugly. Imagine being a slug, a bird, a feather, a spider, a turtle, a web. Simply experience the experience and let it go.
This will help the next time you get mad or feel angry. Be mad. Be good and mad. When you’ve had enough of being mad, let it go. When you can experience the feeling fully and let it go you have released it. It’s gone. Don’t carry that anger around to poison your system and every thing around you. Be angry, address the issue and let it go.
Write me, if you like, and tell me how it went for you.
Experience the experience and let it go.