Nowadays with prices of every thing escalating wedding cost has also increased. But there is no need for worry as there are better ways to plan your wedding and still stay within your budget.This way your wedding dreams will not shatter and you will be able to make the day special.So here are few ideas to cut down on your wedding cost and remain within your budget.
1: The Reception
The charge for hiring reception venue is usually quite high. So be careful while selecting a venue for your wedding. Try and keep the venue a simple affair.Choose a garden or a park so that you are saved from spending on the venue as these locations come for free. Talk to the local people and plan accordingly. However if you desire to celebrate in a banquet hall , choose a less expensive hall. You can make it look splendid by using beautiful decoration. So this is like planning a cheap wedding.
2: The Guest List
If you want to minimize your expenditure make sure you keep your guests list short. Just invite close family members and friends. Avoid inviting even those relatives whom you have not seen in ages.

3: The Wedding Gown
Wedding gown is the most important aspect of a wedding. Every bride dreams of wearing a beautiful wedding gown as she walks down the aisle. If the bride doesn’t want to spend on expensive wedding gowns, a great idea would be to wear her mother’s wedding dress.Though she can change the embroidery and design to suit the latest fashion, the sentiments attached to the gown will always remain intact. Your mother would also feel honoured by this gesture.
4: Photography
If you engage a professional photographer it could prove to be very expensive. A good idea would be ask any of your family members or cousins to take the wedding photographs. Why not ask youngsters to do it , they are good at it. If you entrust this task to them they will do it responsibly. This will save your wedding cost.

5: Other Expenses
There are several other wedding expenses such as invitaions, stationery, flowers and a number of other things needed for your wedding. Make sure you decide everything you need well in advance so that you have enough time to do shopping and chosse carefully. Ask a friend to help you in your wedding shopping. Flowers are quite expensive so select carefully. If the cost it beyond your range you can also consider picking flowers from a garden. Keep your invitation cards as simple as possible.The wedding cake can be done by a friend who is good at baking. Dont hesitate in asking for help as you would be amazed to see the number of people willing to help you.
There are several ways in which you can cut down on your wedding expenses. Just pay attention to every small detail that increases your budget and try to find ways to reduce those expenditures.
Reduce The Stress Of Wedding Planning With The Help Of Friends
Planning a wedding is an exhilarating experience for the bride but at the same time a very arduous task. If the bride, groom and their family are planning the entire occasion it may be really exhausting for them. A wedding planner can be engaged to plan and organize the entire occasion. Yet another choice would be seek the help of friends who will be more than willing to do something for you on the most special day of your life.

Every individual is gifted with some wonderful talent. Ask your friends to be a part of your wedding celebration by contibuting their bit. However before approaching your friends keep in mind the following points:
Probably all your friends are not in a position to offer any help to you.
If you are seeking help from friends be prepared to do without wedding gifts.
Make sure you are asking people to do something relevant as they will be investing both time and energy in contributing to your wedding celebration.
Ask your friends to use their specialized skills.
Your wedding ceremony and reception will allow the display of your friends talents and skills. Make sure you thank your friends in a special way for their efforts and kind gesture.
Express your gratitude when your friends offer wedding gifts to you.

Just dont go and ask anyone for help especially people who have no respect for time and are always late. Such people will arrive late for your wedding planning and delay your preparations. Make a fair choice and dont exercise your choice being biased.
Tell them about your plans and know whether they are willing to carry out the tasks according to your will.
Express your gratitude by writing thank-you notes. They maybe handwritten .
Once you have gathered all your friends who are willing to help you tell them about your ideas and the look you want to
achieve for your wedding ceremony and reception. Usually your friends will be very happy to help you on this very special occasion of your life.
With so many helping hands your wedding celebration will surely turn out be a big hit. Some friends will volunteer to take charge of your wedding decoration, others will handle the flowers. This way all your wedding preparation will be done without any stress. Moreover everyone will enjoy making wedding preparations together. Its a good opportunity for all friends to spend a wonderful time together.
Seeking Help For Planning Your Wedding Day
At some point of time in your life you must have dreamed about your wedding day and now when the big day is nearing you are actually going to see that dream become reality.
The entire wedding celebration will be a blissful experience for you. It will be such a beautiful moment when you walk down the aisle wearing a stunning wedding gown and all guests watching you. The special ring on your third finger smiles up at you as you dream about your wedding day. It will remind you of the special night when your beloved proposed to you.

The amount of help you need for planning your wedding depends entirely on you. There are some who prefer to manage the whole event on their own with the help of their family and friends and there are others who entrust the task to a wedding planner who takes care of every small wedding detail except choosing the brides wedding gown for her. So the help required for planning a wedding varies with your choice of assistance. If you are comfortable with planning the entire event on your own then go ahead and make the special day a memeorable one for yourself by planning everything perfectly. However if you wish to save yourself from the stress that comes with wedding planning then entrust the task to a wedding planner who will look after all the planning and arrangement.

Definitely your wedding cost will rise if you decide to engage a wedding planner. Thus if you dont have the budget to hire a wedding planner you can always get some help by reading good books on the subject or visiting online wedding websites. You can also turn for help to non-professionals . So decide what suits you and your circumstances best.
Whether you engage a wedding planner or not it is impossible for you to manage everything alone. So delegate work to everyone who is ready to help you. The groom can pick a tuxedo for him , probably your sister can distribute the wedding invitations and so forth. Go and seek help and you will be amazed to see the number of people ready to help you plan the most special day of your life.
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