If you have seen our previous Rule Britannia blog post you will know all about our day on location at Newburgh Priory, one of the fabulous venues we work with. With th

As a result, we now have some amazing photographs which ultimately show what a great time we all had on the day and we thought you might like to see some so that you can share the experience. It also gives us an opportunity to shout out some Wedding Affair love to those people involved, so here goes!

Wedding Affair hugs to Mandy from Plush Bridal Boutique www.plushweddingboutique.com for bringing gorgeous gorgeous dresses and sharp suits for the men. Also to Alison from Beauty Call www.beautycall.co.uk - stunning hair and make-up for our lovely models (yes - including the men!). Love to the fabulous Jane from HF Couture - divine sparkly jewellery that we all wanted to wear and were a little bit jealous that we didn't get to do more than try on! www.hfcouture.co.uk Thanks to Chris and Nicki from Superior Motor Cars www.superiormotorcars.co.uk for not only bringing us fantastic cars, but for keeping us entertained throughout. Wedding Affair waves also go out to our models who not only looked amazing, but kept smiling throughout! Helen Jackson (Miss York 2008), Henry Richardson, and Sean and Kim from The Model Experience www.themodelexperience.co.uk We couldn't have done it without you guys!

Final Wedding Affair love goes to Jim Poyner and Joe Dodsworth for being photographers extraordinaire! Not only did you guys give us some amazing photographs, you gave us so many laughs throughout the day. Thank you.
All photographs used in this blog are courtesy of Joe Dodsworth, with the exception of the picture of Joe - which funnily enough was courtesy of Jim Poyner! If you would like to see the rest of Joe's shots, follow this link: www.joedodsworth.co.uk/newburghpriory.
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